Aktiviti Minggu 31: Tour De Genting Peres (TdGP)

Sabtu, 2/August/2008:


I believe we've had few discussion over this and I think we should do it.

So a little bit of house keeping here:

  1. clean your bike's drive train or whatever you call it.
  2. cuci rantai, cassette - buang taik-taik minyak tu!
  3. check gear shifting - make sure gear bertukar dengan lancar...takde yg tersekat-sekat
  4. Brakes: brakes pads and grips must be in tip-top condition
Perkara-perkara yang perlu diingat sebelum kita Banzai....

  1. Air - make sure cukup, sekurang-kurangnya 2 botol
  2. spare tubes (seorang minimum bawa 2), pumps, and chain kits (At least seorang)....
  3. energy bar, power bar

So...siapa yg tak pernah tengok Genting Peres boleh check blog-blog dibawah


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