The Pain Junkie

I have a love hate relationship with cycling. It's complicated. One might wonder why? Well these two greats couldn't have said it better. Fausto Coppi, who many might consider the greatest of all described cycling as “Cycling is suffering.” And Eddy Merckx said “Cyclists live with pain. If you can't handle it, you will win nothing. The race is won by the rider who can suffer the most.”

Sore thigh, cramped and battered legs, crotch crying murder, numbness in Area 51 the list goes on. Double that if you're cycling under the hot and humid and to a certain extent unforgiving tropical weather. Is cycling the toughest sport? Yes, Anyone who’s cycles seriously knows that cycling can be cruelly hard. Personally I think and believe cycling takes both physical toll and test mental strength. 

Some aren't cut out for it but for most, they "enjoy" pain. “It’s not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves,” remarked Sir Edmund Hillary, the first man to climb Mount Everest. Those words perfectly describe cyclists..."Pain junkie".

I met a neighbour recently who's interested in road bike. He saw me riding my ole faithful Trek Madone and wanted to check the bike out.  I told him there are plenty of experts out there on and offline, real authorities on bike's universe. Heck I am in no position to advise at all. I stopped cycling for 2 years after my knee surgery...pretty much outdated and out of shape. But I told him this...if you're interested..go for it but better be ready to invest money and time. All in or regrets...pain.

I thought of sharing some pics I took during the LTDL 2020. Try spotting a smile! On the fun side, you get to enjoy the open air, sun on your face, and wind in your hair, plus the sights and sounds of the great outdoors. But the more advance and serious you get into cycling, the more you have to be ready to take in the pain and suffering. For there lies the joy. Indescribable feeling of fulfillment.



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