Wet and Wild Saturday-River Rafting @ Kuala Kubu Bharu

Group photo at the basecamp

Yes folks I did the white-river rafting at Kuala Kubu Baru (KKB) on Saturday, August 7th 2010!

I’ve done this before back when I was still in secondary school. Back then we built our own raft with odd stuffs like banana blocks tied together with rubber bladders or tubes from truck tires and cars as well. The raft was pretty solid but had their limitations. Let’s just say that we usually ended up using the bladders or tubes as PLDs (Personal Floating Device) after running through few rapids.

But this time it was different, it was handled by pros and we were using inflatable river rafting boats made of durable material complete with PLD, helmet, oar and some amount of guts.

All I can say is that it was an exhilarating ride on whitewater like no other. An amazing experience especially when your boat capsized at one of the rapids. The thing was, it’s not just the rapids alone, but also a combination of few things such as crystal clear river water, lush green trees, beautiful rock formations and loads of adrenalin rush that made the whole awesome experience through out the ride.

Anyone interested to join? We're doing it again after Raya...

Here are some of the photos taken during the trip in chronological manner.

RV at Sungai Buluh RnR area where we had our breakfast. 

En route to Rawang exit heading to Kuala Kubu Bharu. Jimmy was the mission control man with the stick. The stoney face was due to insufficient sleep as we all had to wake up as early as 5am.

Lush green trees along the road to KKB

We reached the 2nd RV at KKB town. 

Nice quiet KKB town surrounded by old buildings, fogs and mountains

This old shack must have been a bus stop once upon a time ago.

The 3rd RV was at the Start Point, somewhere in some jungle. I couldn't identify where this was as there was no sign boards around. This was the point where all drivers had to drive off to the base camp to park the cars.

The journey to the base camp was nice under the cool cloudy morning. I was supposed to be at the Start Point but what the hell...I just tagged along with the drivers

We were ferried back to the Start Point from the base camp on a old van. Felt like immigrants! On the way to mowing job somewhere...

@ the start point

Mission Control Man, Jimmy,  limbering up.

Group photo time! We looked like bunch of turtles!

Safety briefing by Bai, one of our guide. Very funny dude.

Pumping the boats.

Here goes nothing. Don't bother squeezing your eyeballs. I am not on this boat!

Yeahh... one of the rapids... nasty!


Wait a minute... that was easy....just you wait for the next one...

Rafts queuing up before going into the rapids...traffic control was important to ensure safety

That's my boat....

Harbor Zone. Time to fill up the empty tummies with fruits and snacks

At the end, most of us jumped off the boats and floated down stream to the base camp

Lunch and RnR at the base camp. The food was awesome!

Enjoying cendol Pak Man while on our way back.

Cendol Jagung gone!


1 comment:

river rafting tips said...

River rafting ride is an enjoyable, thrilling and invigorating experience. Thank you for sharing!

river rafting tips