Recovery Training Hit a Snag...

One of the worst thing that could happened during any recovery program is you're hit by another injury while in process of getting back into shape. That happened to me when I participated in the office games,  last Friday, during a tug of war match.

Luckily the injury wasn't bad but enough to make me limping off the field.  I was lucky not to have gotten my knee "twisted" otherwise that would have been a game over, a solid 2 month on crutches.  Hopefully I can start cycling on the roller on one of these days just to make sure the legs are fit for long distance ride.

Anyway, here's the Sunday Geli-geli Ride video redux or more like a re-compile version. 



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sero said...

yeahhhh minggu terakhir ni... MANTIN HELL!

Faizol said...


Zaha said...

Lenggeng la pulak.. dah lama x pegi...

sero said...

tak kisahla...mantin hell ke, lenggeng ke, janji 31 ogos tu ade kayuhan finale siang.... heh, bulan puase tutup kedai kot

Faizol said...

@Sero ko nak kayuh pagi raya ke? Bagus jugak idea tu... tak pernah dibuat lagi... keehehehe...

Zaha said...

31 Ogos tu kayuhan Merdeka (Merdeka puasa & hari merdeka)... ko layan sorang la @Sero.. aku dkt kampung time tu...hehehe

sero said...

alamak salah tu, 31 Julai patutnye... raye ke 2 aku mmg dah start kayuh mcm tahun lepas... layan ulu langat...